First,I Welcome to my Blog site…..!
Before studying HTML
I like to describe what for using HTML. HTML USE for making a web
page. So HTML is web page making one of
Language.HTML expect have many other ways design web pages.
That way are,
1. Dreamviver.
2. WEB page maker.
But HTML is very easy
creating a simple web page design. So let’s start learning HTML Language.
Now we are going to Introducing what is HTML?
H Hyper
T Text
M Markup
L Language
This is a markup language. A markup language has set of markup tags.
HTML TAGS are opening angle brackets”<” and Closed angle brackets”>”.
What is the HTML Tag and HTML Element?
We can describe with an example.
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
This is a TAG = <p></p>
This is a Element = This is a paragraph
Now we are going to explain a small HTML web page.
1. <!DOCTYPE html>
2. <html>
3. <body>
4. <h1> First page Heading</h1>
5. <p> first page paragraph</p>
6. </body>
7. </html>
1. The DOCTYPE declaration defines the document type<! DOCTYPE html>
2. Open a web page language of HTML <html>
3. Start Web page BODY.<body>
4. Heading with one of font size. <h1> First page Heading</h1>
5. Displaying a paragraph. <p> first page, paragraph</p>
6. End of the web page BODY. </body>
7. End of the web page.</html>
So now we can explain How to create a simple web page and Save the file and open this simple web page (SAVE AND PREVIEW)
Start Step by step..!
First step
Go to windows button ->
Go to All programs ->
Go to Accessories ->
Open notepad.
Second step
Write a manually your simple web page.
I present an example for you.
<h1>This a heading my web page</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph my web page.</p>
Third step
Now is ok your web simple page.
How to save this web page?
File ->
Save as ->
File name ->
My simple web page .Html Or My simple web page .Htm
And save your hard disk.
Now is ok your web page.
Forth step
How to open your simple web page?
HTML web page opens for want to WEB Browser.
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari
These web browsers can open any HTML webpage.
But never displaying HTML TAGS.
for your simple HTML page
<h1> First web page Heading</h1>
<p> first web page paragraph
one </p>
<h1> second web page Heading</h1>
<p> second web page paragraph
one </p>
<p> second web page paragraph Two
<h1> Third web page Heading</h1>
<p> third web page paragraph one
<p> third web page paragraph Two
<p> third web page paragraph three
<p> third web page paragraph four
Summary of our HTML First
1. What
are the web page making software and languages?
2. What
is HTML?
3. Tag
4. Explain
a small HTML web page.
5. Create
simple web page Save and open.
6. Exercise example.
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